Below, you will find a simple-but-effective colour scheme for painting Black Legion Chaos Space Marines using only 5 colours.
Follow the detailed instructions and check out the stage-by-stage images for reference as you paint your model. Don't fret
if the model doesn't come out picture perfect in the end, painting takes time and practice to master. Just do the best you
can each time and be open to learning new techniques from others. Before you know it, you'll be quite an accomplished painter
with models you'll be proud to game with!
Prime the model with Chaos Black Spray Primer. Then, carefully apply Chainmail to the boltgun
and banding on the model's arms, legs, and helmet.
To give the model an ornate look with ease, apply Shining Gold to the banding on the shoulder
pads, the arrow on the helmet, and also the boltgun.
All that's left to paint is the topknot and the helmet's eyes. Use Red Gore on them, then
highlight these areas with a bit of Blood Red.
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