Just behind Space Marines, the most popular Warhammer 40,000 army is the Chaos Space Marines army. Of the many Traitor
Marine armies you can choose to field, the most numerous are those devoted to one of the four Ruinous Powers: the Thousand
Sons of Tzeentch, the Berzerkers of Khorne, the Emperor's Children of Slaanesh, and the Death Guard of Nurgle. Since these
traitorous scum are just so darn popular, we figured we'd feature four how-to painting guides to help both novices and veterans
alike to get their favourite legion painted and looking good on the battlefield. We sought the talented brush of long-time
painter David Robinson and coerced him (we borrowed a few methods from Slaanesh) into sharing his secrets in these four detailed
So, stop reading this, click on the symbol that corresponds with your blasphemous allegiance, and get painting!